Picture of Captains Flat

Picture of the Lake George Mine Entrance at Captains Flat

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Captains Flat Tour - Pictorials

Photographs of the landscape, wildlife and flora

Courtesy Gregory S. Davies.

First Boom
Town Boom
Middle Years
On Again
Mining Life
The Mine
All Quiet
Then and Now
Public School

The town looking north from Keatings

The reservoir behind the dam

Remains of the old crushing plant overlook the town

The hills are mainly reddish yellow shale scattered with patches of quartz

This house is situated under the site of the smelter and was built using bricks from the smelter stack

Reclaimed land at the south end of town where mine and smelting waste was stored

Remains of old tramway used to carry ore to the Blatchford stamping mill

Old tramway sleepers lie crumbling near Keatings

Derelict mining equipment scattered on the hillside near Keatings

Waterfall washing over the outfall of the dam

Old road bridge across Forsters Creek which was part of the main Jerangle Road

Iron clamps lie rusting on a hillside

Keatings Collapse of 1961 at the southern end of the ridge

Intricate swirls on the surface of smelting slag

Bracken reclaims the landscape while an old chimney flue slowly succumbs to rust

Collapsed mine entrance towards the south end of the ridge

Another collapsed mine entrance midway along the ridge

Old water storage tanks from the flotation works

The old tramway bridge across the ravine at Keatings

Empty tanks stand watch over the derelict flotation works

All that remains of the mine poppet

Remains of the crushing plant at Elliots No.1

An old mine shaft bored deep into the mountain. Rotting wooden duck boards still trail into the darkness

The eerie glow of daylight from deep inside an old mine shaft

Keatings Collapse of the 1940's at the southern end of the ridge

Eastern Grey Kangaroos are found in nearby paddocks and cleared areas

Wombats live in burrows along the river banks and can be seen occasionally wandering the main street at night

Echidnas live along the slopes feeding on ants and sometimes come down to lower ground

Crimson Rosellas are year round inhabitants of the area

Flame Robins visit in spring to nest and rear their young

Rufous Fantails nest along the hilly ridges but are seldom seen in town

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos are noisy visitors, dropping pine cones and twigs from the trees where they feed

Kookaburras are heard laughing in the early morning and evening

Blue-Tongue Lizards are very common. This one lives under my front porch and steals dog food

Butterflies on the wildflowers are a common sight in spring and summer

Tiny wildflowers grow along the slopes of the mine hill

Black-backed Magpies are a familiar sight on lawns and grassy areas looking for grubs

Silvereyes feed on the wattles and other flowering and fruiting trees

Willy Wagtails are sometimes seen in town

Peregrine Falcons sometimes nest on the mountainsides along the mine ridge

Eastern Brown Snakes are common to the area. They are very venomous.

Brown Tree Frogs are seldom seen but can be heard whistling on most nights

Sulphur-crested Cockatoos are noisy residents

Galahs are found in the neighbouring areas

Toadstools grow in forest areas

Superb Blue Wrens flit about the shrubs and reeds

Platypus are found in small pockets of river. They are seldom seen, being extremely shy

Puffball Toadstools grow in the forest areas after rain

Yellow-bellied Black Snakes are found along the river banks

Wild European Rabbits are an introduced species and are common along the river

Another introduced species is the Red or European Fox

The brown waters of the Molonglo River

Serrated Tussock Grass encroaches across the whole area

A fairy ring of toadstools

Content �2006 Gregory S. Davies
Content: �2006 Captains Flat Community Association
Site: www.captainsflat.org